Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Auckland Badminton programme for Year 5 & 6 students

During Weeks 7-9 of Term 3 all of the English pathway Year 5 & 6 classes have participated in a Sport Auckland funded 4-week programme delivered by Auckland Badminton Association coach Dhanny Oud.  

Once a week, each class learns and practises different types of basic badminton shots, building their knowledge each week to being able to play rallies and eventually a game.  It’s been a great introduction for students to the sport of badminton.  

In the photo below, Lisa’s class from Huia Hub are practising their underhand serve and return. 


Look out for the Auckland Badminton Association holiday programme advertisement on our noticeboard and upcoming school newsletter.

Athletics New Zealand: Get, Set, Go programme for New Entrants to Year 4 students

During Weeks 7 – 10 of Term 3 all of the English pathway junior school classes, new entrants through to Year 4, have participated in a Sport Auckland funded, 4-week programme delivered by Kelly Sports instructors.  

Once a week, each class participates in educational, developmentally-appropriate, fun activities that build and develop each child’s basic fundamental movement skills.  Specific skills focused on include balancing, running, throwing and catching.  

In the picture below, Caitlin’s Year 1 and 2 class are about to start a fun running activity with their bean bag pigs.  

Before School Taekwon-Do programme

With the support of Sport Auckland, Freemans Bay School have been able to offer a reduced-cost, 6-week Taekwon-Do programme hosted at school.  

Since the 1st of September, students have arrived bright and early at 7:40am to be guided by international instructor Brendan Doogan in their weekly session.  The basic skills of Taekwon-Do are taught in a disciplined manner.  The physical training helps students with co-ordination, flexibility and concentration.  The students love to learn the different punch and kick combinations.  Plus there is lots of fun and laughter too!  

Look out for your opportunity to enrol for next term in the first school newsletter of Term 4. 

Inner City Cluster Schools Athletics meet

On Wednesday 19th November, twenty-four of our  Year 5 and 6 students took part in the  Inner City Cluster Schools (ICCS) Athletics meet at ...