Tuesday, 28 July 2020

School PE Lessons

During PE sessions this term with Annette, our Year 3 – 6 students in the English Learning Pathway are learning Invasion Games skills.  Using a Teaching Games For Understanding (TGFU) framework, students have the opportunity to answer questions through activity, solve problems and contribute to what is done in a session.  Students use their experience in a variety of games that challenge them to use skills such as maintaining ball possession, intercepting, defending players or zones, movement off the ball, and communication. 

Saturday Netball

We are so fortunate at Freemans Bay School to be able to participate in the Netball North Harbour winter netball league.  In 2020, we have three teams participating: Year 1 & 2, Year 3 & 4 and Year 5 & 6.  All of the teams are managed and coached by parent volunteers and it was a real privilege to be able to see the students in action at their very first game on such a lovely sunny Saturday morning.  It was especially exciting to see our senior team all decked out in their brand new netball uniform!  Check out our FBS Sports News noticeboard at school in the coming weeks for special team spotlights.




Taekwon Do Taster Session

Before school on Wednesday 22nd July, we hosted the 2nd of 3 taster sessions of the Korean martial art, Taekwon-Do.  International instructor Brendan Doogan, put the class of 24 students through their paces.  Despite the early start and wet weather, the students loved it!  We have our final taster session on Wednesday 8th August at 7:40am.  The Sport Auckland subsidised 6-week programme will be starting in Week 5.  Check out the school newsletter for more details.

Year 5 & 6 Pre-season Netball Tournament

Our Year 5 & 6 school team had their first taste of competition for 2020 in a pre-season tournament on the last day of the July school holidays.  It was held at the Netball North Harbour stadium in Northcote and each team had at least 4 games over the morning and early afternoon.  For some of the players it was their first game ever!  Well done to the players involved: Ruby, Lavender, Annie, Bailey, Anne-Tapita, Poppy, and Zaria.  Congratulations on coming third in your grade.  And a huge thank you to Ruby’s mum, Lizzi, and Poppy’s mum, Hayley, for their work in organising the team.

Inner City Cluster Schools Athletics meet

On Wednesday 19th November, twenty-four of our  Year 5 and 6 students took part in the  Inner City Cluster Schools (ICCS) Athletics meet at ...